

  • signals with arbitrary spectra need to sampled in real-world non-text book applications
  • in real-life most signals are not bandlimited
  • non-bandlimited signals are sampled, aliasing occurs
  • signals have general spectra
  • if non-bandlimited is sampled
    • the out of band spectrum will fall back in an aliased manner
  • so non-bandlimited signals are projected to the bandlimited space
    • using a low pass filter
  • dsp is mostly mapping from one space to another
    • in some spaces sampling the same signal yields aliasing
    • but in others the information is sampled in a usable way

sampling non-bandlimited signals

sinc sampling

  • applies a lowpass filter to non-bandlimited signal to project it onto the bandlimited space
  • then samples at fixed interval

\[ \begin{align} x[n] & = \langle sinc \bigg( \frac{t-nT_s}{T_s} \bigg), x(t) \rangle _
x[n] & = (sinc{T_s} * x)(nT_s)
\end{align} ]


fig: sinc sampling block diagram

  • here:
    • input continuous-time: ( x(t) )
    • ideal lowpass filter: (\Omega_N)
    • sampler at interval: (T_s)
    • output discrete-time: ( x[n] )

raw sampling

  • uses only a constant interval sampler \[ x[n] = x(nT_s) ]


fig: raw sampling block diagram

continuous-time exponential

\[ x(t) = e^{j\Omega_0 t} ]

  • always periodic; period is ( T = \frac{2\pi}{\Omega_0} )
  • all angular speeds are allowed
    • unlike the discrete-time complex exponential which is limited to ([-\pi,\pi] )
  • ( FT{ e^{j\Omega_0 t} } = 2 \pi \delta(\Omega - \Omega_0) )
  • bandlimited to ( \Omega_0 )


fig: continuous-time complex exponential phasor diagram on a unit circle

raw sampling with complex exponential
  • raw samples are snapshots at regular intervals of the rotating point in the phasor \[ x[n] = e^{j \Omega_0 T_s n} ]
  • resulting digital frequency is ( \omega_0 = \Omega_0 T_s)
phasor motion with sampling - small steps
  • when (T_s < \frac{\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • ( \omega_0 < \pi )


fig: sampling of continuous-time complex exponential phasor - small steps

  • phasor advances forward in small steps
  • appears as forward motion also
  • no aliasing
phasor motion with sampling - large steps
  • when ( \frac{\pi}{\Omega_0} < T_s < \frac{2\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • ( \pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi )


fig: sampling of continuous-time complex exponential phasor - large steps

  • phasor advances forward in small steps
  • appears as small steps in the backward direction
    • this is aliasing
phasor motion with sampling - very large steps
  • when ( T_s > \frac{2\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • (\omega_0 > 2\pi )


fig: sampling of continuous-time complex exponential phasor - very large steps

  • phasor advances forward in larger than a full circle steps
  • appears as small steps in the forward direction
  • this is aliasing as well

aliasing analysis

  • refer to “wagon wheel” effect
  • consider the continuous-time signal ( x(t) = e^{j\Omega_0 t} )
  • it is passed through a sampler sampling at equals intervals (T_s)
  • then is interpolated at the same interval
  • ideally, the output of this setup ( \hat{x}(t) ) should be the same as the input ( x(t) )


fig: sampling of continuous-time complex exponential phasor - very large steps

case 1
  • sampling period: ( T_s , \frac{\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • small range
  • digital frequency: ( 0 < \omega_0 < \pi )
  • ( \hat{x}(t) = e^{j\Omega_0 t} )
  • the sampling theorem constrains are met here
  • the original signal is obtained in this case
case 2
  • sampling period: ( \frac{\pi}{\Omega_0} < T_s < \frac{2\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • intermediate range
  • digital frequency: ( \pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi )
  • ( \hat{x}(t) = e^{j\Omega_1 t} )
    • ( \Omega_1 = \Omega_0 - \frac{2\pi}{T_s} )
  • the output frequency is different from the input
    • aliasing occurs
    • conditions of the sampling theorem are not met
case 3
  • sampling period: ( T_s > \frac{2\pi}{\Omega_0} )
    • large range
  • digital frequency: ( \omega_0 > 2\pi )
  • ( \hat{x}(t) = e^{j\Omega_2 t} )
    • ( \Omega_2 = \Omega_0 \mod (\frac{2\pi}{T_s}) )
  • digital frequency shows folding back into circle angle range
  • the output frequency is different from the input
    • aliasing occurs
    • conditions of the sampling theorem are not met
  • in aliasing, higher frequencies are windowed back into lower frequencies ranges
  • sampling theorem specifies how to sample to avoid aliasing

sinusoidal aliasing

  • consider a sinusoid [ \begin{align} x(t) & = \cos(2\pi F_0)
    F_0 &: \text{ sinusoid frequency in Hz}
    \end{align} ]
  • the samples of this sinusoid is \[ \begin{align} x[n] & = x(nT_s)
    & = cos(\omega_0 n)
    \text{ sampling} & \text{ is done at multiples of } T_s

    F_s & = \frac{1}{T_s}
    \omega_0 & = 2\pi \bigg( \frac{F_0}{F_s} \bigg)
    \end{align} ]

sampling a sinusoid

case 1
  • sampling frequency: ( F_s > 2F_0 )
    • sampling rate is more than twice the frequency of the input sinusoid
    • satisfies sampling theorem constrains
  • digital frequency: ( 0 < \omega_0 > \pi )
  • result: output same as input
case 2
  • sampling frequency: ( F_s = 2F_0 )
    • sampling rate is at limit of sampling theorem
  • digital frequency: ( \omega_0 = \pi )
  • result: max digital frequency
    • ( x[n] = (-1)^n )
case 3
  • sampling frequency: ( F_0 < F_s < 2F_0 )
    • sampling rate less than sampling theorem constrain
  • digital frequency: ( \pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi )
  • result: negative frequency
    • ( \omega_0 - 2\pi )
    • some aliasing occurs
case 4
  • sampling frequency: ( F_s < F_0 )
    • sampling rate less than sampling theorem constrain
  • digital frequency: ( \omega_0 > \pi )
  • result: full aliasing occurs
    • ( \omega_0 \mod 2\pi )

aliasing in sinusoid sampling

  • consider following sinusoid signal in continuous time domain


fig: sinusoid signal to be sampled

  • as per sampling theorem,
    • this signal may be perfectly reconstructed with sampled data only if
    • sampling frequency is atleast (2F_0)
    • i.e. ( F_s \geq 6 Hz)
(F_s = 100 Hz)


fig: very large sampling frequency

(F_s = 50 Hz)


fig: fairly large sampling frequency

(F_s = 10 Hz)


fig: comfortably sufficient sampling frequency

(F_s = 6 Hz)


fig: limit sampling frequency

(F_s = 2.9 Hz)


fig: lower than limit sampling frequency


  • at higher than limt frequencies of sampling, the input sinusoid signal is adequately represented
    • this enables accurate reconstruction from samples
  • at limit, it is maximum digital frequency
  • while theoretically it is above the limit, it doesn’t carry sufficient information for a perfect resonstruction
  • some other information about the quality of the signal has to be known
    • i.e. that a sinusoid was sampled
    • if this is not known a triangular curve may be fit in for example
  • at frequencies below the sampling theorem limit, the input signal is poorly represented
  • stretching the interval longer we see that the samples actually gain a new frequency
    • at sampling frequency 2.9 Hz for a signal of 3 Hz
      • the samples gain a frequency of 0.1 Hz
      • in the opposite direction
    • this is the modulo of the two frequencies 2.9 Hz mod 3 Hz = -0.1
  • the plots below are static snapshots
    • in a moving sinusoid plot, the frequency of the reconstructed wave would be backwards


fig: below limit sampling frequency - interval of 2


fig: below limit sampling frequency - interval of 4


fig: below limit sampling frequency - interval of 10

aliasing for arbitrary spectra

  • aliasing samples introduce superfluous information during interpolation
  • they do not accurately represent the original
  • this is not ideal in practice, so aliasing is to be avoided
  • consider raw sampling of an arbitrary signal
    • here the samples are ( x[n] = x_c(nT_s) )


fig: raw sampling block diagram

  • in the fourier transform spectrum


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

  • need a general expression for the spectra of arbitrary signals sampled to sequences
    • that relates the input signal spectrum (input CTFT)
setup sampling system
  • pick sampling interval (T_s)
  • set ( \Omega_N = \frac{\pi}{T_s} )
  • pick ( \Omega_0 < \Omega_N )
    • ( \Omega_0 ): Signal Frequency
    • ( \Omega_N ): Nyquist Frequency
sampling system operation analysis
  • consider input to sampling system
    • regenerated signal is faithfully reproduced


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

  • consider input with a different, higher that nyquist frequency


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

  • the output may be reduced


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

  • this looks like lower frequency output
  • it has fallen back to the module window of the circle


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

general case
  • the aliasing frequency can be generalized as follows


fig: raw sampling block diagram - frequency domain

spectrum of raw sampled signals

  • take fourier transform of the sampled sequence

\[ \begin{align} x[n] & = x_c(nT_s) _
& = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int{-\infty}{\infty} X_c(j\Omega) e^{j\Omega n T_s} d\Omega
\end{align} ]

  • frequencies that are (2\Omega_N) apart are aliased
    • the integration interval is split to reflect this

\[ \begin{align} x[n] & = \frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_{k = -\infty}^{\infty} \int_{(2k-1)\Omega_N}^{(2k+1)\Omega_N} X_c(j\Omega) e^{j\Omega n T_s} d\Omega
\end{align} ]

  • anything at and beyond (2\Omega_N ) is folded back


fig: frequency folding


fig: frequency folding in ( 2\Omega_N )


fig: frequency folding in ( 4\Omega_N )

  • with a change of variable and using ( e^{j(\Omega + 2 k \Omega_N) T_s n} = e^{j \Omega T_s n} ) \[ \begin{align} x[n] & = \frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_{k = -\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\Omega_N}^{\Omega_N} X_c(j (\Omega - 2k\Omega_N)) e^{j\Omega n T_s} d\Omega _
    & = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int{-\Omega_N}^{\Omega_N} \bigg[ \sum_{k = -\infty}^{\infty} X_c(j (\Omega - 2k\Omega_N)) \bigg] e^{j\Omega n T_s} d\Omega
    \end{align} ]
  • to periodize this spectrum

[ \begin{align} \tilde{X_c} (j \Omega) & = \sum_{k = -\infty}^{\infty} X_c(j (\Omega - 2k\Omega_N)) _
\text{ such that } & _
_x[n] & = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int
{-\Omega_N}^{\Omega_N} \tilde{X_c}(j\Omega) e^{j\Omega n T_s} d\Omega
\end{align} ]

  • change of variable ( \omega = \Omega T_s )

\[ \begin{align} x[n] & = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \tilde{X_c} \bigg( j \frac{\omega}{T_s} \bigg) e^{j\omega n} d\omega _
& = IDTFT \bigg{ \frac{1}{T_s} \tilde{X_c} \bigg( j \frac{\omega}{T_s} \bigg) \bigg} _
_2\pi\text{-periodic; } & \text{so, a valid DTFT} _
_X(e^{j\omega}) & = \frac{1}{T_s} \sum
{k = -\infty}^{\infty} X_c \bigg( j \frac{\omega}{T_s} - j \frac{2\pi k}{T_s} \bigg) \end{align} ]

  • thus obtained is the DTFT of the sampled sequence
    • in relation to the CTFT of the input signal

bandlimited example

bandlimited to ( \Omega_0 ) and ( \Omega_N > \Omega_0 )


fig: CTFT, periodic CTFT, and sampled DTFT - meets sampling theorem criteria

bandlimited to ( \Omega_0 ) and ( \Omega_N = \Omega_0 )


fig: CTFT, periodic CTFT, and sampled DTFT - at limit

bandlimited to ( \Omega_0 ) and ( \Omega_N < \Omega_0 )


fig: CTFT, periodic CTFT, and sampled DTFT - flouts sampling theorem criteria

non-bandlimited example


fig: CTFT, periodic CTFT, and sampled DTFT

sampling strategies

  • for a given sampling interval (T_s)
    • the sampling strategy a depends on if the given signal is bandlimted or not
  • if bandlimited to (\frac{\pi}{T_s} ) or less, choose raw sampling
    • this equivalent to sinc sampling up to a scaling factor (T_s)
  • if signal is not bandlimited, one of two paths may be chosen
    • bandlimit by passing signal through lowpass filter in continuous-time domain
      • then sample with sinc sampling
    • else raw sample and incur aliasing
      • alias is not so great, so the other option is generally chosen

sinc sampling and interpolation

  • in sinc sampling, the inner product between a properly scaled and shifted sinc function with the signal provides sample value
  • this is equivalent to first passing the signal through an ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency ( \Omega_N = \frac{\pi}{T_s} )
    • then taking a sample every (T_s) seconds

[ \begin{align} & \text{ sampled signal: }
\hat{x_n} & = \langle sinc \bigg( \frac{t - nT_s}{T_s}, x(t) \bigg) \rangle _
& = (sinc{T_s} * x)(n T_s) _
_& \text{ interpolation of sampled signal: } _
_\hat{x}(t) & = \sum
{n} x[n] sinc \bigg( \frac{t - nT_s}{T_s} \bigg)
\end{align} ]


fig: lowpass bandwidthing - sampling - sinc interpolation

least-squares approximation
  • looking at the sampling and interpolation scheme purely geometrically
  • consider continuous signal and the BL space with orthonormal sinc basis


fig: BL space and continuous-time input signal

  • consider an orthonormal project of the continuous time input signal on to the BL space
  • the expansion is seen below


fig: projection of continuous-time input signal on to BL space

  • consider frequency spectrum of continuous-time signal


fig: spectrum of continuous-time input signal

  • this is then lowpass filtered


fig: lowpass filter on the continuous-time input signal

  • to obtain a bandlimited spectrum


fig: bandlimited continuous-time input signal

  • then the bandlimitied spectrum is smapled
  • this leads to a periodic spectrum


fig: sampled signal periodic spectrum

  • the DTFT of this sampled sequence is examined
  • this is (2\pi) periodic


fig: DTFT of the sampled sequence

  • this is then re-interpolated into continuous-time using sinc interpolation
    • this is the exact match of the bandlimited version of the input signal
    • this is the orthogonal projection of the original signal in the space of BL signals


fig: DTFT of the sampled sequence
