• QM (quantum mechanics)) explanations have to hold for CM (classical mechanics) phenomena as well
  • when using the time independent SE(schrodinger’s equation), even at higher eigen-energy states
    • oscillation was not explained
    • spatial probability distribution was fixed in the eigen-energy wave solutions
    • until now only energy eigen-states have been explored
  • eigen-states have a property
    • nothing measurable in eigen states changes over time
  • systems that change in time need to explored beyond the idea of energy eigen states
    • however, this has to be consistent with the time-independent results
  • a time dependent rationalization has to be worked out
    • however, this is not like CM wave equation mathematically
    • but describes time-dependent variable in quantum mechanics
  • this exploration exposes the concept of superposition in QM
    • schrodinger’s cat example
    • concept of superposition is important to understand time evolution in QM

rationalizing the time-dependent schrodinger’s equations

  • time-dependent SE is the relation between frequency and energy in QM
    • example: electron magnetic waves and photons

photon frequency-energy experiment

  • consider two experiments with monochromatic light
    • a single frequency or single color EM (electro-magnetic wave) is used
  • in first experiment
    • the frequency of the oscillations in the wave is measured
    • the number of photons per second corresponding to a particular part of this frequency is counted
  • in the second experiment
    • the number of photons per second on a detector is measured
    • the number of photons arriving per second is used to deduce the the energy of photons
      • so the power arriving is measured
  • the comparison of the results of the experiment results in
    • the relationship between energy per photon with the frequency
    • which is \( E = h\nu \)
    • where:
      • \( h \): planck’s constant
      • \( \nu \): photon frequency
  • for photons:
    • energy is proportional to frequency
    • planck’s constant being the constant of proportionality

matter energy transitions

  • hydrogen atoms, for instance, emit photons as they transition between energy levels
  • so some oscillation is expected in the electrons at the corresponding frequency during the emission of the photon
    • consequently, there is an expectation for a similar relation between energy and frequency associated with electron levels
  • the proposed frequency-energy QM relationship for a wave is: \[ E = h\nu \]
    • \( h \): planck’s constant
    • \( \nu \): some frequency yet to be determined
  • equivalently \[ E = \hbar\omega \]
    • \( \omega \): corresponding angular constant
    • \( \hbar \): planck’s constant for wavelength relationship

time dependent equation

  • consider particle with mass \(m\)
    • with frequency-energy equation \( E = hv = \hbar\omega \)
  • assuming plane wave solutions of the form
    • \( \exp{\left[ i (kz -\omega t) \right]} \)
    • for some specific energy \(E\)
    • and a uniform potential

schrodinger’s time-dependent equation

  • a time-dependent wave equation postulated by Sch. \[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r},t) \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = ih\frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \]
  • note that for a uniform potential
    • example: \( V = 0 \) for simplicity,
      • with \( E = \hbar\omega \)
      • \(k = \sqrt{\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}} \)
    • waves of the form \[ \begin{align} \exp{\left[ -i(\omega t \pm kz) \right]} & \equiv \exp{\left[ -i \left( \frac{Et}{\hbar} \pm kz \right) \right]} \\
      & \equiv \exp{\left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \exp{(\pm ikz)} \\
      \end{align} \]
      • are solutions

sign convention

  • schrodinger chose a sign for the right hand side
    • which means that a wave with a spatial part \( \propto \exp{(ikz)} \)
    • is definitely going in the positive \(z\) direction
  • including its time dependence, that wave would be of the form
    • \( \exp{\left[ i (kz-\frac{Et}{\hbar}) \right]} \)
    • for \(V = 0 \)

compatibility with time-INdependent equation

  • schrodinger’s time-independent equation (STIE) could apply
    • if we had states of definite energy \(E\) (an eigen-energy)
  • consider a corresponding eigenfunction \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \) for the eigen energy \(E\) \[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2\psi(\textbf{r}) + V(\textbf{r})\psi(\textbf{r}) = E\psi(\textbf{r}) \]

  • however, this solution \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \) is not a solution of the time-dependent equation \[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r},t) \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = ih\frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \]

  • \(\psi(\textbf{r})\) is here for \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) \) does not work because
    • \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \) has no time-dependence
    • the right hand side become zero for a non time-independent wave function
      • as the partial w.r.t time is zero for a time independent function
      • when it should result in \( E\psi(\textbf{r}) \)
  • instead of using solution \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \), use \[ \begin{align} \Psi(\textbf{r},t) & = \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp\left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar}\right) \\
    -\frac{h^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r}) \Psi(\textbf{r},t) & = - \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{\left( -i\frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} + V(\textbf{r}) \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{\left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \\\ & = \left[ - \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \psi(\textbf{r}) + V(\textbf{r}) \psi(\textbf{r}) \right] \exp{\left( -i\frac{Et}{\hbar} \right) } \\
    & = E\psi(\textbf{r})\exp{ \left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \\
    & = E\Psi(\textbf{r},t) \\
    \end{align} \]

  • so the expression \[ \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{\left(-i\frac{Et}{\hbar}\right)} \]
    • solves the time-dependent schrodinger equation
  • similarly, knowing that \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \)
    • solves the time-INdependent equation with energy \(E\)
    • substituting \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{ \left( -i\frac{Et}{h} \right) } \)
      • in the ime-dependent equation gives \[ \begin{align} -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r}) \Psi(\textbf{r},t) & = i\hbar \frac{ \partial \Psi( \textbf{r},t ) }{\partial t} \\
        & = i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left[ \psi(\textbf{r})\exp\left(-i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right) \right] \\
        & = i \hbar \psi(\textbf{r}) \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left[ \exp{\left (-i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \right] \\
        & = i\hbar \psi(\textbf{r})\left[ -i\frac{E}{\hbar} \right] \exp\left(-i \frac{Et}{\hbar}\right) \\
        & = E\Psi(\textbf{r},t) \end{align} \]
    • so \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = \psi(\textbf{r})\exp{ \left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right) } \)
      • solves the time-dependent schrodinger equation
      • as long as we always multiply it by a factor \( \exp{ \left( -i \frac{Et}{h} \right) }\)

time-dependent from time-INdependent solutions

  • if \( \psi(\textbf{r}) \) is a solution of the time-independent schrodinger equation,
    • with eigen-energy \(E\)
  • then \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{\left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)}\)
    • is a solution of both the time-dependent and time-independent SE
    • making these two equations compatible

oscillations and time-independence

  • if the following is a proposed solution to a time-independent problem \[ \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = \psi(\textbf{r}) \exp{\left( -i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \]
    • this maybe used to represent something stable in time
    • measurable quantities associated with this state are stable in time


  • probability density = square of modulus of wave function
  • square of modulus of wave function:
    • wave function conjugate multiplied with wave function \[ \begin{align} \lvert \Psi(\textbf{r},t) \rvert^2 & = \left[ \exp{\left( i\frac{Et}{\hbar} \right)} \psi^*(\textbf{r}) \right] \times \left[ \exp{\left(-i \frac{Et}{\hbar} \right) }\psi(\textbf{r})\right] \\
      & = \lvert \psi(\textbf{r}) \rvert^2 \\
      \end{align} \]


  • time-dependent SE is not an eigen value equation in general
    • i.e. not an equation that only has solutions for a particular values of a parameter
      • parameter is not the eigen value
      • evaluation of the wave equation with a particular value of the parameter results in an eigen value
  • supports a much richer set of solution

solutions of the time-dependent SE

  • common classical wave equation \[ \nabla^2 f= \frac{k^2}{\omega^2} \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial t^2} \]
  • for which \[ f \propto \exp{\left[ i(kz - \omega t) \right]} \]
    • would also be a solution
  • classical wave equation is not complex wave
  • classical equation has a time derivative
    • as opposed to the first time derivative
    • in Schrodinger’s time-dependent equation (STDE)
  • STDE is a complex wave equation \[ -\frac{h^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r},t)\Psi(\textbf{r},t) = i\hbar \frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t}
    • \( \Psi \) is required to be a complex entity
  • for example \(V = 0\)
    • though \(\exp[i(kz - \frac{Et}{h})]\) is a solution
    • \( \sin\left( kz-\frac{Et}\hbar{} \right) \) is not a solution
  • while in CM, complex waves are converted to real waves
    • by adding conjugate waves
  • this is not done in QM, because complex waves are dealt with directly

  • this because of two reasons
    1. the wave function is not a physical wave, it does not have any meaning by itself
      • it is a mathematical tool to calculate behavior
      • it cannot be measured physically
      • so it’s complexity does not matter
    2. to extract measurable quantities from calculations
      • the modulus squared of the wave function is used
      • more generally, the QM amplitude is used
      • this gets us to the real world
  • in CM, knowledge of the wave at a given moment does not help predict the future of the wave
    • additional information like the time derivative is needed for this
  • the QM wave function, just from the current form of the wave
    • what happens next is already known
    • the wave function embodies everything we can know about the QM state and consequently its future
    • this is the justification for moving from the real waves of CM to complex waves in QM

time evolution form SC

  • consider STDE \[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r},t)\Psi(\textbf{r},t) = ih \frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \]
  • if we knew the wavefunction \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) \) at every point in space at some time \(t_0 \)
    • the LHS of the STDE can be computed at that time for all \( \textbf{r} \)
    • so we would know \( \frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \) for all \( \textbf{r} \)
    • so we could integrate the equation to deduce \( \Psi(\textbf{r},t) \) at all future time
  • explicitly, knowing \( \left( \frac{\partial \Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \right) \)
    • calculate a future wave; for instance, a small instance \( \delta t \) later in time \[ \Psi(\textbf{r}, t_0 + \delta t) \cong \Psi(\textbf{r},t_0) + \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial t} \Bigg\vert_{\textbf{r},t_0} \delta t \]
    • that is, we can know the wave function in space at the next instant in time
    • can be continued infinitely to predict all future evolution of the wavefunction
      • this is why the STDE has first time derivative component
      • as opposed to the second time derivate component
      • knowing only the second time derivative cannot be used to find the evolution in time
        • this means both a future and a past time
  • any spatial function could be a solution of the STDE at a given time
    • as long as it has a finite and well behaved second derivative
    • different from STIE - can have only specific eigen functions as solutions
  • the evolution of a wave can be computed if the wave function is known everywhere at an instant in time
    • there are many standard numerical techniques to perform the numerical equations in time

linear superposition


  • because STIE is linear in a specific mathematical way
    • we can multiply any solution by a constant, and that is still a solution
    • this aspect of linearity allows normalization of wave function solutions
  • a second concept of linearity is linear superposition
    • it is the idea that if we have two different solutions of an equation
    • then the sum of them is also an equation
  • linear superposition is the idea that if two different solutions of an equation exist
    • then the sum of them is also a solution
    • only applicable for degenerate solutions in STIEs
      • degenerate solutions: more than one orthogonal eigenfunction for a given eigenvalue
      • occurs in highly symmetric problems


  • STDE is a linear equation
    • superposition arises all the time
  • at a given point in time, any function whose second derivative is well behaved
    • to be a solution
  • because of linearity, the sum of solutions are also solutions

  • there are a few constraints on our ability to construct linear superpositions of different solutions
    • super-positions that will themselves be solutions
    • helpful for solving for the possible behaviors in time

linear superposition

  • STDE is linear in the wavefunction \( \Psi \) \[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \Psi(\textbf{r},t) + V(\textbf{r},t) \Psi(\textbf{r},t) = ih\frac{\partial\Psi(\textbf{r},t)}{\partial t} \]
    • one reason is that no higher powers of \( \Psi \)
    • second is \( \Psi \) appears in every term, there is no additive constant term anywhere
  • linearity requires two conditions obeyed by STDE
    1. if \( \Psi \) is a solution, then so also is \( a\Psi \), where \(a\) is any constant
    2. if \( \Psi_a \) and \( \Psi_b \) are solutions, then so also is \( \Psi_a + \Psi_b \)
  • a consequence of these two conditions is that \[ \Psi_c(\textbf{r},t) = c_a\Psi_a(\textbf{r},t) + c_b\Psi_b(\textbf{r},t) \]
    • \( c_a \) and \( c_b \) can be complex constants is a solution
  • this is the property of linear superposition
    • so linear superpositions of solutions of STDE are themselves also solutions
  • in CM, waves and vibrations are in superpositions
    • but in QM, particles can be in superposition
  • in CM, a particle has a state that is defined by
    • its position and
    • its momentum
  • in QM, particles can exist in a superposition of states
    • each state can have a different energy, different positions and momenta
  • for systems changing in time, such super-positions are necessary in QM

time dependence and expansion in eigenstates

  • if the potential \(V\) is constant in time
    • each of the energy eigenstates \( \psi_n(\textbf{r}) \) with eigenstates \(E_n\)
    • is separately a solution of STDE
    • provided it is multiply by the right complex exponential factor \[ \Psi_n(\textbf{r},t) = \exp{\left( -i\frac{E_nt}{h} \right)} \psi_n(\textbf{r}) \]
  • so the wavefunction at \( t = 0 \) can be expanded in them \[ \Psi(\textbf{r},0) = \sum_{n}a_n\psi_n(\textbf{r}) \]
    • where the \(a_n\) are the expansion coefficients
  • we also know that a function that starts out as \( \Psi_n(\textbf{r}) \) will evolve in time as \[ \Psi_n(\textbf{r},t) = \exp{ \left( -i\frac{E_n t}{\hbar} \right) } \psi_n(\textbf{r}) \]
    • so by linear superposition, the solution at time \(t\) is \[ \begin{align} \Psi(\textbf{r},t) & = \sum_{n}a_n \Psi_n(\textbf{r},t) \\\ & = \sum_n a_n \exp{\left( -i \frac{E_n t}{\hbar} \right)} \psi_n(\textbf{r}) \\
      \end{align} \]
  • when potential does not vary in time \[ \begin{align} \Psi(\textbf{r},t) & = \sum_{n}a_n\Psi_n(\textbf{r},t) \\
    & = \sum_{n}a_n \exp{ \left( -i \frac{E_n t}{\hbar} \right)} \psi(\textbf{r}) \\
    \end{align} \]
  • is the solution of the time-dependent equation
    • with the initial condition \[ \begin{align} \Psi(\textbf{r},0) & = \psi(\textbf{r}) \\
      & = \sum_n a_n \psi_n{\textbf(r)} \\
      \end{align} \]
  • if the wavefunction at time \( t = 0 \) in the energy eigen-states are expanded
    • we have solved for the time evolution of the state by adding up the above sum
  • entire concept of time evolution can be view as a consequence of superposition in QM